After the long months of scorching summer, rainy season is finally here. We sure love thi
s season of cool breezy nights and biting cold daybreak. With a number of days without classes or office work due to inclement weather, we have nothing to do at home but to enfold ourselves with our blanket, turn the radio on and take a sip of our choice coffee or choco. But nothing beats a hearty soup and piping dishes to make this gloomy days a delightful retreat for us.
We guess you’re already thinking about favorite rainy day comfort food. Is it a tangy savory soup, flavorful noodles or hot sweet porridge? Whatever that may be, we sure know your mom has a special recipe for that, or you get a special order at the nearby canteen.
Without further ado, get some tissue for this mouth-watering all time Filipino favorite comfort foods for the rainy season.