7 Home Organizing Statistics That Will Encourage You

A new study by home-organizing specialists Uncluttered Simplicity reveals which spaces in our house have the most clutter and need organizing. The number one space is the kitchen and the number two is the garage. The number three spot is for the living room.

43% of the people surveyed are not pleased with the way their home is organized. They probably need to do some serious decluttering and cleaning. We were happy to notice that 12% of the people surveyed are pleased with the way their home is organized.

Only 30% say that they don’t clean up their mess right after they’ve made it. This means 70% do clean their mess up right away. And that is really interesting because this is by far the most important thing people with organized and clean homes do. They don’t let clutter pile up.

Furthermore, 60% of the respondents make their beds every day. Experts say that if you make your bed every morning, this will motivate you to have a more productive day. This is one of 10 Productivity Tips To Help You Get Stuff Done At Home.

And last but not least, we also wanted to know about our laundry habits. Something we found very funny is that 25% of the surveyed people do their laundry not every 2 or 3 days but when they run out of clean clothes. All the others do that between one or three times a week.


Infographic Source: https://unclutteredsimplicity.com/7-home-organizing-statistics/

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