5 Basic Skin Types: Which Type Does Your Skin Belong?

Ever checked the labels of your skin care product? And have you paid attention to know which one matches your skin type? If you are uncertain which skin type you have and whether the skin care products you use are good for your skin, then you are in the right place. In this infographic from SkinCell PH, a dermatology clinic in Manila, you will learn the 5 basic skin types that most people have.

Checking which skin type you have is important for your overall health. It will be hard to take care of skin when you are unaware of its specific concerns. With this knowledge, it is easy to avoid risks of having skin problems. And it is most helpful to choosing the best skin care regimen and products.

Note that skin types are not the same with skin concerns. The likes of skin darkening, patches, blisters and other abnormal growth are problems that have to be treated by a certified dermatologist. Skin type is the natural quality of skin under normal condition.

To know more about skin types and skin care tips for each, read on this Infographic.


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