Many people think of transferring into a new office as a tedious task. While it is true, most of the time, the difficulty is associated with finding the right venue where you’ll hold business. Would it be better to stick to traditional office setups? Or is it time to explore more modern options like coworking spaces?
Choosing the right office for you and your team is a critical decision to make and you should be very careful in weighing your options. Of course, there are basic factors you should not dismiss such as the type of business you have, your budget, your work approach, the size of your team, and the goals that you’d want to achieve ultimately. Additionally, you also have to look into the options thrown your way. Now that coworking spaces make their entry to the world of office spaces, it’s time to also include it among your choices.
Not really sure if you should go the traditional route or switch to shared office spaces? To make decision-making easier for you, here’s an infographic from Alike Coworking Space in Auckland that features the key differences between traditional and shared spaces.