When it comes to beauty, there are certain differences that make Asian and Western women standout. And one of the reasons for that is their standards for beauty and makeup.
You may not really pay attention to it but when it comes to beauty essentials, the differences widen and much of it has something to do with the culture that prevails in a place. For the best comparison, you can look into the differences in the beauty standards among Asians and Westerners–most of them appear even on the beauty products they deem as necessary!
For instance, whitening products are very popular in certain Asian countries. On the other hand, Western women aspire for a sun-baked skin. But that is just one of the many differences that they look into. There are other interesting things that you’d love to know.
Here’s an infographic from Alyaka, a trusted online retailer of organic beauty products, that unmasks the differences between Asian and Western beauty standards.
Infographic Source: https://www.alyaka.com/magazine/asian-makeup-vs-western-makeup/