In light of the recent global health crisis, many companies have moved towards adopting remote work models to sustain operations. Because of this, businesses who have only recently considered and started with this model are facing a new challenge: remote management.
In a remote work setup, management has less control over how company time is spent. This then moves the focus to what has been accomplished instead of how it is done.
Mastering remote management is vital for helping your employees be more productive and remain motivated, especially in this “new normal.” Effectively assessing job performance despite the lack of face-to-face interactions can also benefit career growth and development.
Monitoring productivity is best done through a combination of technology and good management practices, such as setting clear goals and objectives, using task-tracking apps, and valuing output rather than input.
To better account for the increase in collaborative efforts in a remote work environment, it also helps to seek input from the people the employee has collaborated with. A self-evaluation from the employee can also be beneficial, as it gives insight into how the employee sees their output.
More importantly, focusing on output and achieving objectives more than anything will help with staying objective. Considerations such as an employee’s own strengths and weaknesses and creating a two-way dialogue can also foster even further improvements for both parties.
While there may be a decline in performance overall due to the current situation and difficulties in adjustment, the right management strategies can help overcome obstacles and uplift the company in the long run.
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