Centuries Old, Live on the Pages of Books: The Mythical Creatures of Nature

The infographic lists 15 creatures that appear to be main characters in nature related myths. Stories about them go centuries back. Some of them lost their popularity over the years. Other, on the opposite, became even more popular through different cultures.

The Green Man, coming from Pagan myths, seems to be peaceful and wise. He doesn’t look dangerous at all, unlike his Russian relative, Leshy. You should stay away from that scary little man or you can get into serous troubles.

Probably the most unusual and evil creature here is Umdhlebi, from South Africa. This creature is actually a fruit tree. And there must have been something really special about its fruits that people didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their pets to get them.

The most creative creature from this list is Curupira, from Brazil. This little guy obviously had a lot of fun running around the forest and confusing the hunters with his backward feet!


Infographic Source: http://www.avasflowers.net/infographic-mythical-creatures

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