When modifying or terminating alimony, one must convince the court that a considerable change in circumstances has occurred since the court first granted alimony. The following are some commonly accepted examples of what would constitute an adequate basis for such modification or termination:
- Couples communicating and cooperating openly can choose to modify or end alimony by entering into a settlement agreement. This pact is only available for those ready and willing to develop an equitable resolution that is acceptable to all parties
- Alimony may be adjusted or ended when a considerable alteration in either party’s income or living circumstances occurs.
- When a person remarries, alimony generally ends due to changes in circumstances. As such, many courts will terminate payments when presented with this evidence.
- Alimony can be adjusted or terminated if the recipient spouse begins to live with a new romantic partner. California considers cohabitation as two people living together and being in an intimate relationship, but without marriage. If married couples wish to revise or stop providing alimony, they must submit a Declaration of Modification in written format.
Although either can do this independently, people affected may also use court forms such as form FL-343, form FL-157, and form FL-349 provided by the self-help section at their nearest courthouse.
Infographic Source: https://www.blissdivorce.com/resource-center/is-it-possible-to-modify-or-terminate-alimony-in-california/