The Push Notification Benchmark for Mobile Apps – 2016 Edition

After analyzing the performance metrics of 38 billion Push Notifications sent by its customers over the full year of 2015, Accengage released an infographic that will help app marketers evaluate the performance of their Push Notification campaigns in terms of opt-in & reaction rates by industry and country.

For example, if you are in the Telecom, Finance or Travel industries, chances are your customers will more likely opt-in to Push Notifications from your mobile app as those industries have the highest opt-in rates (56%, 51% and 51% respectively).

The benchmark clearly shows that reaction rates are much higher on Android, which is explained by the fact that much richer formats are available on this operating system (push with images, multiline, AlertBox…).
Accengage added a geographical dimension to its analysis which shows us that Europe is clearly on top in terms of reaction rates with 16.5% on Android and 5.25% on iOS. Focusing on countries, Netherlands, France and Germany show the best reaction rates, closely followed by Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy.

If you’re an app marketer and want to boost your Push Notification performance, don’t miss out on the tips mentioned by Accengage at the end of the study.Benchmark for Mobile Apps

Infographic Source:

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