Top 10 Movie Serial Killers Body Count

If you’re a true fan of the horror movies that provoke excitement, curiosity, fear, and sometimes even nightmares you will enjoy this infographic. We gathered a list of 10 most vicious serial killers with their weapon of choice and special features. Some of this movies are made in the late 80′ and 90′ but we still remember them, and the scary way killers haunted their victims.

Going into the woods, staying alone in the house or just walking in the street in the night doesn’t seem so scary- right? But, in horror movies, these are the perfect places to scary someone. There are a lot of creepy characters and terrifying stories out there that can stick in your head for some time, and give you chills. If you’re curious to find out who is on our list take a look at this infographic, and who knows maybe you find new movies that you can enjoy watching this Halloween.


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