What is Cjis And What Does It Mean For Messaging Vendors

To protect online information against criminality, the law ensures that a certain entity must keep constant vigilance by monitoring internet data at all times.

The Criminal Justice Information System or CJIS handles this, being the largest division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tasked with combating online criminal activities.

To do this, messaging vendors, as one of the main transmitters of sensitive virtual data by mainly utilizing online messaging, work as major partners of CJIS and thus accountable for complying with its strict security standards.

By implementing a complex, but efficient Security Policy that comprises of 12 areas, CJIS ensures that messaging vendors, along with other agencies that provide criminal justice databases, will be in-line with the up-to-date security protocols that help in tracking down online criminals and help promote a strong system of cybersecurity networks.

Want to more about how CJIS works? Check this infographic created and designed by TeleMessage:

Infographic Source: https://www.telemessage.com/what-is-cjis-and-what-does-it-mean-for-messaging-vendors/

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