Absenteeism & Presenteeism: Why It Matters to Your Business

Absenteeism and presenteeism are prevalent in businesses of all sizes, in all countries and across all types of industries. Absenteeism might be easier to catch because it’s when employees are physically absent from work, while presenteeism is a bit tricker. Presenteeism happens when employees come to work but they are not completely productive or not actually working.

No matter how you look at it, these are very real issues that need to be taken seriously. Both of these issues can have a major effect on companies’ bottom lines, productivity and overall company culture, which is to say it’s very important to address and deal with both. Absenteeism and presenteeism are both caused and triggered by different things, which are outlined in this infographic. Those factors include disengaged employees, heavy workloads, physical and mental illnesses, and lack of job security.

Apart from the causes of presenteeism and absenteeism, this infographic also looks at the actual rates and costs of them in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Though these are tricky issues, all is not lost. Six human resource professionals weigh in with their expert advice on how to fight both absenteeism and presenteeism in today’s workplace, as well as how to create a working environment where employees themselves feel happy to go to work every single day.


Infographic source: https://beebole.com/blog/cost-absenteeism-presenteeism/

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