Common Skincare Problems during the Rainy Season


The arrival of the rainy season means chiller days that makes people want to just curl up and hibernate on bed all day, and get cozy by wearing thick sweaters. However, rainy days also mean the hassle of wetting your …

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How to Brighten Up Your Home

Interior Design

House owners have a luxury to choose different colors for every single room. Or even more than one color per room, if you are creative. Your home is not a museum. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with mixing and …

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Why and Where People Live Longer

median age

It’s a fact that in certain areas people live longer. For centuries it has been know that Asia has the longest living inhabitants. The question is not only about where, it’s more often ‘why?’ Why in some countries people historically …

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2016: An Election of Surprises


Currently, there are tons of polls and surveys trying to predict how the 2016 presidential election will go. And despite these best attempts at foreseeing the future, it’s impossible to know who will win. Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump …

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Disaster Contingency Plan: Before, During, and After Typhoon

Disaster Contingency Plan

Resting on the earth’s equatorial area and neighboring next to bodies of waters, the location of the Philippines makes the country vulnerable to natural disasters and no one can predict when a catastrophic event will happen. The scenario of heavy …

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World’s Top and Unusual Data Centers

Data Centers

Just as the world abounds with great architectural wonders, the world also abounds with grand and most unusual data center facilities that are sure to blow your mind. There could even have a Contest for Data center facilities for outstanding …

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Drunk Driving vs Driving High

Drunk Driving

Can a breathalyzer test detect the presence of marijuana in a person’s blood? This infographic shows how the alcohol level in blood is measured across the USA and Canada, as well as how the police officers can detect if you …

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Basic Facts About Acne

Basic Truths about Acne

Most people have been through acne, a skin problem that is usually caused by inevitable factors such as sudden changes in hormonal levels and hereditary reasons. Acne is often associated with puberty stage when bodies are developing, leading to fluctuation …

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11 Swimming Pool Diseases to Steer Clear Of


Swimming pools are great venues to hold fun gatherings. The cool splashes of water and sharing the same pool together with your family and friends are what make pools a favorite place to spend leisure time. While it’s all for …

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Ultimate Guide to the New Leaders of the Philippines

Philippines Politics

After 6 years, the Filipinos have again finally spoken and have finally chosen the two most powerful people to lead the country. From the roster of the Philippines’ prime lawmakers, two have stood out — former Davao City Mayor Rodrigo …

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The Push Notification Benchmark for Mobile Apps – 2016 Edition

Benchmark for Mobile Apps

After analyzing the performance metrics of 38 billion Push Notifications sent by its customers over the full year of 2015, Accengage released an infographic that will help app marketers evaluate the performance of their Push Notification campaigns in terms of …

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10 Fastest Growing Suburbs of NSW Australia

10 fastest growing in NSW

Suburban living isn’t all bad, as proven by these Sydney suburbs, almost all of which have experienced double-digit growth in home prices over the past 12 months. Gone are the boring, bland, bedroom communities of yesterday; suburbs such as Marrickville …

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